

Try on haul video description:


Try on haul video transcript:

Hello everyone welcome back to my absolutely fabulous YouTube channel so
today I have a really good video for you guys I'm going to be trying on some
summer dresses I think they're all maxi dresses and and they are from a brand
called Mew Mews I think that's correct and I will put the brand name here and
then I will tag them in the description as well before we do get started please
do make sure to like comment subscribe all of that good stuff and let me just
see if I can make this quality a little bit better no that's just making my skin
look weird well no that's just not really done me any
famous but yeah sorry that bit better a little bit better please excuse my messy
bedroom okay so also if you're wondering why the hell I'm wearing this hot pink
halter neck and I have a cowboy hat right here it's because I am going to a
Harry Styles concert tonight and my boyfriend sister gave me this cowboy
hat and then she also gave me a pink skirt and I was gonna wear the pink
skirt but I didn't have a white top to go with the pink skirt I mean I did have
one white top but it was like really nippy and I didn't want to wear that
and because I was gonna be vlogging and I'm gonna get loads of pictures and I
just don't want like my whole nipples out you know what I mean and so I found
this top and I think I'm gonna pair it I'm gonna try to find out a white skirt
or if I can't find a white skirt then my denim skirt but yeah that's my outfit
for tonight super cute and so last minute and I'm so excited because
everyone's wearing like cowboy hats and I love love a cowboy hat anyways this is
the massive parcel that came through the post not long ago and it actually came
through the post about an hour ago so I waited to put my baby to sleep and then
oh can't I do it and then headed straight upstairs straight in my hair
ready for tonight and for you guys
okay so right okay so this sorry looks cool in there sorry about that and okay
so I think we're gonna start with this one it looks like it's orange let's open
up this little bag so it's really cute so far oh nice color okay so oh little
thank-you card it says yeah it is mew mews we hope this package brightens up
your day as much as your order has with us we're grateful that you chose us to
give me main character moments you deserve deserve oh you get 15% off your
next purchase when you buy also I think that I have a discount code with this I
just want to say that this was all gifted to me I didn't buy it myself but
that doesn't mean I'm not gonna like it but I am gonna give my honest opinions
I'm always always honest on my YouTube there's nothing that I hate more than
someone just saying how nice is this how nice is that if it's not nice like just
say it's not nice yeah so no one's paid me to say anything positive and never
actually just sent me these and asked if I could review them right my hair is
anyway this is the first dress I've got right okay so it is maxi dress I'm gonna
have to like do a few different angles I think so that you guys can get the whole
view I don't know where I'm gonna go maybe in that corner and so this is
like a maxi dress I think it is completely backless it looks like it
has like this really nice draped effect like really low down to your bum and it
is all the way down to the floor there is a lot of very long strings strings
and things um right so I assume this like goes around your neck and then
maybe like crisscross you on your back don't know let's pop it on and see if we
can figure it out and it looks nice or not okay so just quickly before I show
you the whole dress I've got it on a little bit confused because right so the
back looks so nice like that but then I have these strings here that need to go
somewhere and then two more strings so I'm not really sure how they're gonna go
so I'm just gonna try to figure that out and then I'm gonna come back but how
nice does it look like just with the really nice low back and like nothing
there okay so I did end up tying these things in like little bows I'm sure that
you can like twist it around like a few times maybe maybe underneath here and I
personally wouldn't do over the top I just think that way to look maybe they
are meant to be in little bows at the sides and but oh my goodness I literally
I love it so much I'm gonna just do a quick shot over there so you can see the
length okay so we all know that the lighting is not fabulous over here you
can kind of see a little bit more of the lamp I'm just gonna pick you guys up but
it is fully a maxi dress I cannot wait to take this dress on holiday I go away
in Tuesday today Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday that's so bad I couldn't
figure that out I go away in four days time and this dress it's coming with me
oh my goodness love it so much right next up I'm hoping I can take all of
these on holiday sorry we're just gonna do it like a really ugly moment right
now and put my hair behind my ears because it's annoying me right next
another little thank-you card okay so this is a knitted one interesting and it
looks like this I think it's like my camera's really bad I need no camera oh
double channel that and okay okay okay okay so this is gonna go around my neck
it's gonna have like a cut out there super flattering oh it's gonna make me
look so sexy and we love a cream knit we just love it let's pop this one on oh my
god I love this again it's another maxi one so we will go over into the corner
in one minute but how nice is this at first I did think that it might be a
little bit see-through but I don't think it is like very little see-through bits
here which is cute and sexy but this bit's like frilly crotchet so it's
fully covered and really flattering this whole thing here gives like a really
good illusion that you are skinnier than you are and flattering a halter neck
always enhances your boobs and yeah right let's move over into the corner
okay so this is the length it is the perfect length to be honest this is what
the back looks like sorry I know that this is like bad angles this is what the back looks like
wow this might be another favorite I am so so pleased make sure you follow me on
my Instagram which is ex Marie Annabelle because the pictures the pictures are
gonna be out of this world like I don't think anyone's gonna get better holiday
photos than I am this whole day I'm just feeling my best I'm a tan I'm sexy I've
got the best outfits this is from Mew Mews brand Mew Mews so go and buy it if
you want to feel as sexy as I do right now oh my god absolutely love it I'm
thinking this one with like a brown cowboy hat like when I say cowboy hat I
don't mean like a party cowboy hat like this one with like the feather boa but
like a cowboy hat in like a um what's that material called I don't know the
material name of it like it's got little little holes in it I mean I do know the
name the names on the tip of my tongue but I just can't get it out anyways like a
brown one I look ridiculous like this and but like with a brown oh she's gonna
look so sexy anyways moving on this brand makes me happy right we have got
this is the last dress I'm gonna try on for you guys thank you Mew Mews
Wow do you know what I had never even heard of this brand before and I'm
really glad that I found it because okay so we are loving the green wow I'm
getting a little bit infusiastic am I saying all my words wrong I just
don't know okay so we've got a green number oh I don't know if this is gonna
be too hot for where I'm going so I'm going to Greece and it's gonna be like
30 degrees but this has like this has like a one long sleeve which might be a
little bit too hot to take on holiday I don't know I'm gonna take it anyway
because I'm gonna have to get photos in it and I don't know if it's gonna be
like one I actually wear because it might be a little bit too hot but it's
so cute okay so we've got this green really nice green it's in like a sort of
material which I like because it's like really slinky and sucks to your body
this material and okay so what were you it's like a one-shouldered so this
shoulder has nothing this one has the arm a little bit of ruching at the side
and then it looks like there's like a sort of cut out here and then it's
another maxi dress all the way down to the floor so let's pop this one on okay
so I'm feeling a little bit like Princess Fiona in this but a sexy Princess
Fiona what do we think so obviously I'm gonna stand back again it's a maxi dress
it has a really big weight sorry let me go onto my bed it has like quite a large
has quite a large slit here which goes all the way down to the bottom which
obviously doesn't close back up that would be way and but yeah it's like got
quite a big slit let's just get back onto the floor now and quite a big slit
here which I think is really sexy obviously has loads of cutouts and I am
thinking it might be a little bit too hot for my holiday which is just such
a shame because it's so nice like I said I will be so I'm just looking for my
hairband like one sec oh my goodness I actually drove myself crazy I'm just
gonna have to tighten a knot on my head like I said I'm gonna take this on
holiday because I need to get photos in it for ze brand for ze brand wow that
looks good and I think it might be a little bit too hot for where I'm going
because I am going to Greece might be better when I go to Marbella anyways
let's move over into the lovely corner I don't need to keep stopping it when I'm
moving over here like I'm literally just standing here and so this is what it
looks like and this is like the slit I was telling you guys I like the grain as
well I feel like flattering sexy flirty fun Fiona yeah this is a good one I'm
enjoying it oh my god I look so hot anyways okay so if I have a discount
code I'll put the discount code in the description and I'll put it here as well
if I can and it's called new muse mew mew s and yeah really good brand
surprised do you know why I'm I don't know if I am that surprised like I did I
got to choose the outfits but he they were gifted to me and so I knew what I
was choosing was nice but I don't know if I expected to be this like flattering and
figure-hugging and sexy on my body like mmm I'm really happy with the way that
this video has gone that's all that I'm gonna say thank you for watching make
sure to like comment subscribe all that good stuff follow me on my follow me on
my Instagram expiry annabelle I'm going on Saturday there's gonna be all sorts
of pictures bikini pictures outfit inspo scenic pictures maybe a little bit of
lingerie pictures because I have got some lingerie that I need to shoot
whilst I'm out there shoot as if I'm like a model and definitely not model
but yeah I actually have got some lingerie pieces that need to get some
photos done mmm follow me on Instagram anyways love you guys peace out thanks
for watching oh see you guys in tomorrow's video because tomorrow I'm
gonna show you what I got up to tonight at Harry Styles love you

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