
Lounge Underwear


Try on haul video description:

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Try on haul video transcript:

hi everyone welcome back to my youtube channel so today i am going to be showing you some of my
favorite sets from lounge underwear and before we start i just want to say that some of the sets
in this video were gifted but not all of them some of them i actually bought with my own money
and no one is paying me to make this video so it's going to be my full honest opinion
and yeah i'm really excited because lounge is a brand that i really really love
um disclaimer i actually have a spot here i don't have a nose ring
so if you think i have a nose ring i don't i have a horrible spot which will not go away
which is driving me absolutely crazy oh and i'm covered in that's actually glitter
you can't see it yeah you can that's glitter so yeah i'm a mess today and anyways i'm gonna get
started straight into it oh can tell this label out and i've still got a label in um okay so the
first set that i'm going i'm not going to show that one first i'm going to show you this one
so this is the first set that i'm going to show you um i will actually be inserting the pictures
of this on the website uh like the pictures from the website as well so that you can see
what it looks like on the other models because obviously everyone has different body shapes and
yeah lounge is a really inclusive brand which is something i absolutely love about them but
yeah basically i'm just going to insert the pictures of the models as well as um trying it
on myself so this is what the bra essentially looks like it's called the blossom balcony
bra and i have this in a 32 double d um so this is what the bra looks like it is one of my
favorites i actually have this in a few different colors i think one of the ones i'm going to show
show you is um the same as this but in a different color so this is what it looks like i absolutely
love the the structure of the bra it's got underwire and elastic at the bottom so they
really it really holds you in place um it has a cute little peephole peephole yeah that's what
it's called um and then it has three cups not three cups that would be weird wouldn't it that
would be if you had three boobs it has three um you know what i can't remember what they're called
but i really should know because i studied lingerie design at university so i should know
but i can't remember anyways my mind is absolutely blank today but this is what the bra looks like
it's so so pretty it's like one of their best designs i think so they actually have these in
every color on their um instagram they always have pictures of girls stood there like looking
through the blossom balcony bra sets and they have them in every single color like a rainbow color
and they have them in every single color like a rainbow color i actually will insert a photo
um because that is like my goal i want to have them in every single color anyway this is what
it looks like and then where's the knickers oh my god i'm driving myself absolutely insane
oh i've dropped them so this is what the knickers look like actually
that is the right knickers but i think they're a bit washed out i must have
let me look a bit washed out aren't they that is such a shame i'm gonna have to
rebuy them but anyways this is what the knickers look like and they're so beautiful i love them
so much again elastic and then it is just like a mesh thong which is really really gorgeous
so i'm going to pop this set on straight away i'm not going to leave you guys waiting
and yeah all you have to do is leave me a comment and let me know what you think of the set
okay so this is what the bra looks like on don't know what that mark is um but yeah i just feel
like the shape and the structure of this bra is absolutely um perfect it's really flattering
it's really comfortable and then this is what the knickers look like on again same thing i feel
like they're really comfortable um and really sexy at the same time so yeah i am really really
liking this set i think it's a big thumbs up for me okay moving on swiftly this is the next bra
that i'm going to show you guys so it's the same one it's the blossom balcony bra in um i think
this is in cobalt blue yeah this is in cobalt blue it actually doesn't say it there but i just
remember that it's called cobalt blue i'm trying to pretend that i've read it um but yeah this is
what it looks like the color is so bold and striking which i absolutely adore and again
it has like all of the same details i just this color is such such a nice color and you're
definitely gonna stand out um you're gonna feel good you're gonna feel sexy and yeah i'm gonna
put this on let me just show you the knickers really quickly so this is what the knickers look
like again they're exactly the same as the ones i have on um and then this is what the back of
the knickers look like and yeah really really beautiful really gorgeous set and i'm going to
pop it on and again there will be a picture next to me of what the model looks like as always
um and yeah let me know what you think okay so this is what the bra looks like on i just think
this shape is so so flattering i absolutely adore it i love the color i feel like if you're going to
get any of the sets this is the one to go for it just the balcony just looks so pretty and sexy
at the same time anyways this is what the knickers look like from the back i need to cut that
label off don't know why i haven't taken any of the labels off um but yeah really really really
nice um absolutely adore it it kind of gives you a little bit of a lift even though it hasn't got
any padding in it i think it's where like this is the shape of it it just feels like it's giving
me a little bit of a lift um but yeah really really happy with this bra and the design i
absolutely love it so thank you lounge this one was gifted um but the first one i actually bought
myself and i've had it for a bit longer which is why it's probably
not as nice as this one because this one's bono um and then i the next thing that i'm going to
show you guys is this bra so this is called the charmed balcony so this is sorry one second
this is what it looks like it's really really beautiful really pretty um it has a little
charm in the middle which is obviously why it has the name the charmed balcony bra but yeah
i absolutely love this it also has the lounge logo all over the um elastic and then all the
hardware is silver so what color is the hardware on this one i think it's silver again yeah it is
silver they actually very rarely have gold hardware some of like the christmassy sets like the red
ones do have gold but anyways this is what it looks like it's really really beautiful
i love it i love the lace detail you know what i really need to look into um laundry design again
because i loved it so much anyway this is what the thong looks like again it has the charm and
then it has the same repetitive logo on it like the bra and then the back of the thong just
looks like so so yeah really really happy with this and i'm going to pop it on and again let
me know in the comments what you think also i'm going to be linking all of the sets so that you
can shop them straight from my link okay so this is what the bra looks like on lounge underwear will
forever be one of my favorite brands i just absolutely love everything that they stand for
i love all of their designs and i love the way that they're evolving into like a really really
more sexy brand i just absolutely adore the brand so this is what the bra looks like on really nice
really flattering feel like it sort of gives me a little bit of left even though there is no
padding in it um this is what it looks like from the back and then that's what the knickers look
like it has the cute little cutout which gives it a little bit something different and yeah i
absolutely adore little charm details so yeah this brand is a huge thumbs up for me let me know if
you've tried the brand before if you haven't then definitely click the link in my description
to shop the brand straight away because you're going to want to after watching this video
and yeah really really like the brand support everything that they stand for and yeah thank
you for watching my video i hope that you enjoyed if you'd like more videos like this then do let
me know and yeah thank you for watching love you all bye

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