
THESE GYM LEGGINGS ARE LITERALLY SHAPEWEAR… (so flattering) | Lazuli Label May 2023 Haul

Try on haul video description:

[Releasing 12th May] 10% off: KATE https://www.lazulilabel.com/?ref=taylorkayteee Thanks for watching :) My sizes: XS Tops XS Bottoms My measurements: 26in waist 39in hips My brand: https://www.lazulilabel.com/?ref=taylorkayteee Workout & nutrition plans: http://www.buildandtoneapp.com Instagram @taylorkayteee

Try on haul video transcript:

Hey everybody and welcome back to my channel. So today is very exciting because I am doing a haul
for my own brand, Lazuli, and this is such an exciting launch because the colours are
chef's kiss. They are just beautiful, like these are probably, this is probably the best
colour range, colour scheme that we've done before. I am just obsessed, like absolutely obsessed.
So I will be doing a little review, try on, of all of these products and I'll run you through,
because we have made slight changes, so I'm going to run you through the changes we've made and
just kind of run you through all of the fits, the colours, the squat proofness, the, just all,
everything basically. So this is our cute little planner of the launch, we have five colours,
looks so cute doesn't it? This is what we send out to our influencers to ask them to pick something,
it's really cute, so yeah.
I did the little drawings myself, thank you, thank you very much, they're very cute.
So yes, this range will be our scrunch sculpt and we have actually got shorts this year and we will
have, and we also will be selling matching halter bras, so very exciting, very exciting launch.
Look at this colour scheme, like that is just wonderful. The scrunch sculpt have become
like a massive hit on like TikTok and Instagram because they are just, they're basically just
shapewear, like they are so unique, like I've never ever even had a pair of leggings that
like just sculpts me the way these do, they're just amazing. I feel like that's why so many people
love them because they're just so unique and they genuinely do make you feel so confident.
Whenever I'm going to like a class or like the gym, the thing that I pick out is my scrunch
sculpt so yeah, they're just, I love them so much. I don't know if any of you will have seen
on my Instagram but I basically, we basically visited China to visit our manufacturers,
I literally got back a few days ago and it was amazing, like it was so so nice, I mean I'll put
some images on the screen, it was just so good, like it was so nice to meet the manufacturers and
just see their factories. The sculpt manufacturer that we have is probably one of our biggest
manufacturers, second biggest actually, but their factory was so gorgeous, like I'll put some pictures
on the screen but it was just beautiful, like it was such a nice factory and we literally stumbled
across this produce which is really cute because we got to see it in action but it was so so nice,
we got to see how everything's made, we got to see just everything, like how all the processes
involved, they kind of explained to us how like the minimum order quantities for like sizes is
the way it is because they basically program like a whole machine for like one size, so obviously
you kind of have to be ordering enough in a certain size for it to be worth them changing all the
settings and reprogramming it, so yeah that was really interesting to kind of find out, by the way
we have negotiated and we have extra large in this launch, oh finally! We also found a really nice
fabric while we were there for leggings, so I'm very excited for our first range in that fabric
to come out, but obviously it's kind of like a six month to a year process, six to twelve month
process from like start to finish for a design, so yeah probably won't be for a while but I'm very
excited for it, so anyway let's get into the haul because I am rambling, I might probably start by
doing colours as a whole, so I think I'm going to start off on my personal favourites, I feel like
I'm going to say this for every single pair because I always like, I think I have a favourite and then
I try one on and I'm like oh actually this one suits me way better, so yeah just yeah.
Going to start with our top brown, so this is kind of like, sometimes I really regret because we
always name the colours before we've got a full piece in it, so we're naming it off like a tiny
tiny piece like this big piece of fabric I mean, so sometimes when the colour comes out and we're
like oh wait that isn't as green as we were thinking or that isn't as brown as we thought,
so but yeah top brown, I feel like it still fits fine, it's kind of like a grey brown isn't it, but
this one I feel like is going to be a heartbreaker because we've had so much interest in this one
already, so yeah I mean, so I'm going to put it on and show you guys, but yeah this is just a
beautiful beautiful like neutral grey brown, I feel like it's a really timeless colour, it's one
of those pieces that you can have in your wardrobe forever, so about the shorts which I am absolutely
in love with, I love these shorts, so we actually have done sculpt shorts before and they're pretty
much the same but in the scrunch sculpt version, the scrunch sculpt you guys will be so pleased
to hear we have reduced the waist size, so we've reduced it by a couple centimetres I think, so and
it's actually made a big difference because you've got to remember if you remove two centimetres here
it's actually removing like this much when it's circular, so we've actually removed quite a bit
off the waist and I personally find the waist perfect now, before it was definitely earring on
too big, I sound a bit croaky today don't I, sorry, but yeah now the waist is just perfect,
it's not like muffin top but it's not loose, so it's like the perfect amount of compression for me
and I do think this is a very true extra small now, the ribbed bit actually extends right down
to the bottom, so it just basically sucks in all of your leg underneath your bum and just gives you
this like amazing lift, the scrunch is very long so I mean it's just the same as all other scrunch
sculpt but yeah the scrunch on our leggings is quite long and it really does give you that kind
of semi-wedgey look, it kind of creates like a bit of separation between your two bum cheeks
and it's just so flattering, something I also really love about our scrunch sculpt is that on
the bum it's actually pretty shiny and it really gives you that kind of smoothing effect,
you know how some leggings have that kind of like shine to them, like in the light and it catches
the light and you just see it like glowing a bit, I love that, like that's something I love about
Alphalete because it really smooths you out and that's something I love about the bum on the
scrunch sculpt and the halter bra is basically the same as last time but just in these new colours,
I love this bra because it's kind of like a staple, it's very, it's quite minimal so it's
not like, I don't know, it's not too much going on and it's not too uncomfortable because you
haven't got things like cutting into your armpits or like on your back, like that's something that I
hate with a sports bra, you know when it just feels like you're just, you know, just like locked in
but this is actually very like freeing, it's barely feels like you're wearing a sports bra
which I really really love about this. It does have pads and I personally find it like medium
support so I don't know what that would be like on someone with a bigger chest because obviously
my chest is kind of small medium so pads are pretty thick so it does still have like a fair
amount of support for me, it's definitely not light support for me anyway but obviously I have
a smaller chest just because of the pads, the pads are like pretty thick, that's something I also
love about this, it kind of gives me like a really good push up because the pads are like
quite dense, they really do give you like a little push up on your on your boobs,
I find it very very flattering, very flattering and then a little matching scrunch on the front
which is really cute. Squat test just so you can see, personally with the sculpt like it really
varies, I find that the really light colors can be a little bit not see-through but definitely not
squat proof for the light colors but for the dark colors and anything that's kind of vibrant like
the vibrant blue, I personally find them very squat proof. I do think something that makes a big
difference as well is your sizing, so if you obviously are buying a size that's like one size
too small for you then they will become more like sheer as the fabric is stretched out,
do you know what I'm saying? Because obviously if you like yank a fabric the harder you yank it the
more it's going to like pull the fibers apart, so like for example if Sarah wore a extra small
because she's naturally a small, they would probably be more sheer than the small so that's
just something to keep in mind as well because it can really really vary. I know that some people
do prefer wearing a size smaller because I used to always do that with other brands, I always used to
like if a small fits, I still do to be honest, like an Alphalete small fits me pretty well besides
the extra fabric so I always size that size down, so I know that some people just prefer wearing
the size smaller for that extra kind of suction but just be aware that the more you size down
that the more the fabric is going to be like taut you know, but yeah I find these pretty squat
proof and I'm a pretty true extra small I would say, especially in Lizzuli, I'm a very true extra
small. Next up periwinkle blue, so some of you might remember that we have actually done periwinkle
in our sculpt previously, that was last summer and it was so popular that we've decided to bring
it back in our scrunch sculpt so this colour I really really love, I feel like it's a really
really beautiful blue. Something that I really want to like show you guys is like how to put
the sculpt on like properly because I see so many videos of people wearing them not correct,
um when I say not correct I mean like the ribbing's in the wrong place,
if you don't have the ribbing that's underneath um on the thigh that needs to be right in your bum
crease otherwise you'll get this like double bum effect which I mean fair enough if you like the
double bum but um I personally think it looks better if you um wear the ribbing right and in
your like you know the the crease underneath your bum that needs to be there for you to get
the full like sculpt effect and that will basically like lift your bum up completely.
One thing that I think we could still improve on in the sculpt is this like little triangle in the
back I want to make that bigger I just I feel like it could look good like if it was bigger you know
I just did like a big shoe to board and all of these and they have got faked hand on them from
um basically trying to shoot in like 40 degree heat I was so hot so yeah all of these have
smaller waist and that they are coming out in extra large as well. So next colour is bone grey
so bone grey so this is actually one shade darker than the grey we did last summer in the sculpt
so yeah this is just one shade darker so it was a pretty popular colour last year but um a bit of
the feedback was that it wasn't very squat proof at all um so this year we decided to go for a
darker grey because we still wanted to throw a light colour into the mix um because some people
don't even care too much about like it not being super squat proof and the light colours are still
very popular so we did want to throw something in but just make it a bit more squat proof so we
ended up doing this which is just one shade darker than the grey we did last summer um and
I personally really like this colour it's very like neutral vibes um at first when it came I
thought it really wasn't going to suit me but then when we were shooting it I really liked it like I
really did um so on this one I'm going to show you I'm going to do a pretty intensive squat test just
so you can see the main issue with light colours is like shadowing so you can kind of see
a slightly tiny shadow along like the middle of your bum I personally think they're like fine
yeah just hug a little look and let's see what you think I find them okay so but I used to like
never ever care about that so I know that a lot of people don't really care about that so it's
light slight shadowing but they're fine they're not like see-through vibes
charcoal so this is a really gorgeous grey um it's like a really dark almost black kind of grey
um not almost black but you you know what I mean like it's pretty dark I actually prefer
dark greys to black I don't know what it is but it's just like a bit of something sometimes black
can be a bit too harsh especially if you're like not super tanned black can be a little bit harsh
against like a paler skin tone I find so I do really like a grey um a dark grey because you
still get that kind of like modest dark colour look but you also like it doesn't wash me out
so this colour is perfect for me I know that when we were shooting these these this was one
of the photos where I got it back and I was like oh I really like that colour it looks really good
um so yeah really like this colour this colour is like super squat proof um yeah super squat proof
for me um and also something I love about dark colours is that the shine on the bum is just like
accelerated and it just looks really really nice um when they catch the light it really like shines
on the bum it's really nice I do think this colour really suits me I don't know what it is but
I just feel like it suits me and then the last colour I'm going to show you is the rich brown
so this is a really really nice brown it never loved any of the browns that we've done in the
past um they've always edged a little bit towards like like either a little orange or like a little
pink or a little red like do you know what I mean um when we first received them I'm
like oh a brown I love this and then like a couple months later I realized that I'm
never reaching for it because my phone is ringing it's probably Sarah wanting to go through samples
because what time is it oh yeah we said we'd go through samples right okay I'll quickly try
these on and then I've got to go through some exciting samples um but yeah I absolutely
this brown is just really really nice um it doesn't have any like harsh undertones it's quite like
neutral and if anything like quite if anything slight purple undertones which is very complementary
against the skin um it's not orange at all it's not like an orangey brown it's not like a reddy
brown it's a very very neutral brown which I really like um I will definitely be reaching for
this colour because it's kind of like a staple even though like brown has been like a trend I
feel like this is more of like a staple brown than the previous browns we've done again a dark colour
very very squat proof um I find these again so when I was photographing these I also got the
photos back and they looked very very dark um which I liked because it just looks so neutral
so funny because like before we went so we actually picked all of these samples up from our
manufacturers so I left a bit of space in my case but I didn't leave too much space because I thought
oh I'm just gonna shoot them and then leave them I'm not gonna have room and I have so many sculpts
like I don't have room for more and then I received them I was like oh I there's literally not one of
these colours that I would leave behind because I love them all so I have brought every single pair
back with me because I love them so much they are covered in my sweat because it was so hot when we
were shooting I'm not even joking we had to like run inside in between like doing an outfit like
a couple photos and I should run back inside because it was so hot and I was like my face was
like I have really oily skin and my face was like so shiny I mean in the videos it looked nice and
glowy but my face was like so sweaty I had like a proper Sula I ran back inside I had my hair down
as well this one day and I was just oh I was so hot and um yeah we'd have to run back inside for
the aircon and then like my phone I'm not even my phone it kept bringing on that warning saying
like your phone is overheating and so was Sarah's and we had to go quickly boom put our phones in
the fridge and then when the sun was going down at sunset it was like a race against time because
it was golden hour and you guys know golden hour is like the best time for lighting so we would
have to like quickly run put our phone in the fridge for five minutes and then run back and
go and quickly get some more videos in golden hour but yeah my phone was not having fun oh I also
dropped my phone in the pool yeah but it was fine um thank god it's waterproof but it was cracked so
I was thinking oh my god this is the death of my phone I'm witnessing but it was fine my tripod
actually blew over it wasn't I didn't even drop it my tripod literally blew into the pool and I was
like just watched it go but yeah it was it was fine in the end so yeah it was fine and it was
the last day as well so as I watched it I was like at least all my photos are done
yeah but yeah I that is basically everything if you guys have any questions please do let me know
the comments I will get back to those I do have a discount code for you to use which is
Kate or Taylor you can use either of them and that'll get you 10% off we do have a lot of
these so I don't know if they're gonna sell out but people are very excited and all of our
influencers are also very excited um so I don't know how this is gonna go but it might sell out
especially the popular colors so I don't know but if you do really really like one of these or all
of them definitely try and be quick because I don't know how long they're gonna last and it
really breaks my heart when everything's always sold out and people just want to like get stuff
and they can't because it's always sold out so yeah we do have a lot though we are like every
time we're up for upping our quantities but it's just a matter of cash to be honest because we're
putting everything literally everything back into ordering more stock and we just kind of have to
wait for like you know orders we placed three months ago to you know bring in that revenue to
get like a little bit more cash to place a bigger order for the next three months you know what I
mean so the month after this we have even more stock like double quantities but yeah for this
one we have like a little bit more than normal probably like um when I say a little bit maybe
like 40% more than usual so we do have like quite a lot more so I don't know how it's gonna go
because the past few launches have been taking like a couple days to sell out which is still
amazing like thank you so much guys but yeah we just yeah I don't know how it's gonna go so please
please just be quick if you want anything um I'm trying to think if there's anything else I need
to say oh also guys so you might you might might might um notice that European prices for shipping
have gone up same with us actually but not as intense um we are working on that I'm so sorry
it's basically because our usual career had a cyber hack and stopped all international shipping
and even though the cyber hacks over now we kind of changed the website because that career was
very unreliable when it came to international anyway and we're like 95% of the way there with
like a new solution so we're hoping that will be finished before the next launch next month but
we'll see um but yeah I'm so sorry like we I know it's so annoying that the shipping rates are so
high at the moment but we are like 95% of the way there to solving that completely um and offering
better solutions better services like everything but please bear with us for the next like month
or two um we've had to put the price up because I'm not even joking when I say like I'm not even
joking when I say the shipping rates for like a lot of Europe are literally costing us like 40
pounds an order and like we literally can't afford that so we've had to like we still lose money
on the price that we give you like we literally I think we put the price of Europe at like 20
something and it costs us like 40 something so yeah we still lose a lot of money on each order
because of that um but we are so close to a solution so please just bear with us um same
with US actually we still lose a lot of money on our shipping to the US even though we've priced it
so high for you but it's actually so low for us because we're still losing money on it but
this close to a solution this close so hopefully that will be sorted very very soon but please bear
with us for the time being it's currently I think for the US I think is it like 16 dollars to about
14 pounds I think it is um but it is two day shipping by DHL express very reliable you can
change your address you can do all sorts with their app um so yeah I anyway I'm rambling I
need to go and check on samples because I'm 12 minutes late but um I hope you guys have a
wonderful day or evening or whenever you're watching this I suppose I always do this I
just never know what to say but yeah have a wonderful day and I will see you in my next
video and at the launch bye

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