Dresses Skirts Tops


Primark summer haul | new in

Model: Marsdenit

Try on haul video description:

Primark haul! Super cute! —————————————————————— Business enquiries only: beautybrookebiz@gmail.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/beautybrooke123/?hl=en #primark #primarkhaul #cheaphaul #haul #teenhaul #cheaphaul #tiktokskirt My Amazon wish list: Amazon wishlist! : https://www.amazon.co.uk/hz/wishlist/ls/3UCZOD669SX4P?ref_=wl_share PayPal: beautybrookebiz@gmail.com Follow my socials: Younow: beautybrookeclan Tiktok: Whoisbrookemarsden Likee: beautybrooke Instagram and snap: beautybrooke123 Funimate: officialbeautybrooke —————————————————————————— You want to see me live go follow my Younow account!! Beautybrookeclan https://watch.younow.com/llOD/beautybrookeclan Boost me on famous birthdays: beautybrooke Brooke x -------------------------------------------------------------- ♪ licensed music -------------------------------------------------

Try on haul video transcript:

Hi guys, welcome back to another YouTube video. So today we're gonna do a primelock.
Well, I don't think I've done one like in a while, but instead of them, can I just say primers getting like expensive?
I'm gonna say one of the prices like when I've actually got it on of one of the things, it shocked us because like primelocks are meant to be cheap.
It's getting a bit pricey and also we've got my short hair back for a little while because, yeah, so please don't comment about my hair.
But it's in slick, so you can't really see it.
Okay, so this is the first fit. So you bought these separately. I don't actually know what it says, so I can't help you with that one.
But it's like a little set and I just thought it would be cute for like a lunch. I thought it's like quite casual.
It's just like a normal town top. I don't really call these. It's got like the first green. I love this colour.
I thought it would go with my Jon Fawkes, but it really doesn't. It's like a lot darker.
So I just wear it with white shoes and put this up a bit just so it's got a bit of a gap.
And then this is like a cargo skirt, but it's like jogger material, like sweatshirt material.
I don't really know what you call it, but I think it's really cute. I've cinched the waist in.
You can do it loads. I've just done it a little bit. I don't really like the way it sticks out. I think it looks a bit funny.
Yeah, I can just put it here for like a little lunch. I get a little like white zip-up jacket. I do have one, I just don't know where it is.
So yeah, I think it looks really cute.
Right, this is the next one. So obviously these will go. This top isn't from Primal Feather. I'll pick these up.
I know they're quite like, I think they're not the best, but I love Primal Feather. I actually really like them.
Some of them are really bad, but you've just got to get certain quality ones.
I also don't have any yellow ones, so I thought I'd get yellow joggers for like summer. I don't know, you know.
I've just seen them and I quite like them, so I'll pick these up.
I always get them quite big, so it does like fall down a bit, but I kind of like the mid-waist, like where it sits.
I just like the way it sits on me.
But yeah, just some yellow joggers.
Quite boring, but this is the next bit. So this is a unitard obviously.
I'm obsessed with these at the minute. I really like them, especially for summer.
I don't actually really like them, so this is more of like, to be fair, I feel like this could go.
It's not exactly the same colour, but it's like similar enough to go with these, I think.
So I do that, put them with this, and then I also, I've seen these everywhere. I've seen them on TikTok.
They had the bright pink ones in, but they didn't have any of the other ones in.
I've also got this. It's like sleeves. All done.
I wouldn't wear with this. I would need to like style it properly.
But I just thought it was like, it's like the top of a jumper, sort of.
I just thought it would be good for like, if I need something to chuck on, if it's a little bit cool, but I don't want a complete room outfit.
I'll put this on. Again, wouldn't wear with this, but I thought it was really cute.
It was a nice little addition.
This has padding in it, which you can't take out.
No, you can't take out, I don't think.
Right, you can't take the padding out. But it's like that ribbed so it's not see-through.
Like, it's really comfy.
I actually really like it. I'm a big fan. I think it fits really nicely.
Ooh, also, where have they gone?
I've got these. I don't know where else to put these. If I wouldn't wear it with anything in this whole, so I'll just put that on with this.
I've got these because I was thinking if I, like, slip back my hair for a concert, don't put it in a ponytail.
If I slip it back and then wear, like, metallic, I feel like glasses are quite, like, a vibe because I have seen them everywhere.
I just couldn't find any that I actually like, but I found these. I thought they looked really cute in these.
Right, and then I've got this little, like, mini dress. Like, little, cute. I thought it would be good for, like, a Sunday lunch vibe.
And I'll just say it was £22, though. I think that's really bad. I think that's really expensive.
I don't think that's wrong. I think it's a really nice dress. I think it's really pretty.
But it proper caught us off guard when it said £22. I was quite surprised because I could, like, I feel like I could get a better dress from, like, PLT or, like, a better seal or poly dress for this price.
I just thought it was a bit much for Primark, but it is really cute. Like, it's got, I don't know what it's called, I don't really know.
It sort of, like, goes in here. I mean, it's not always, but it's, like, cinched in here and then it's so, like, flowy there.
I've put some little wedges on or, like, because I'm going to put chains on them, but I think that's a bit far.
Little, I don't know, probably little wedges. Like, a fancy, I don't know. I don't know. But, yeah, it was £22. It did actually give us a shock. So, yeah.
Guys, this is the first time you've seen my rats. They're very stressed and they run around bloated.
I'm hoping it's going to turn back around.
Yeah, this is my rat. I have two. The other one's over there.
But, yeah.
Okay, so this is the next thing. So, I've had to put, like, that top from before underneath because it is fully mesh, but I couldn't find, like, any of my Primark set bralettes.
So, I'm going to have to just imagine that I'm wearing, like, the white one. I don't think I have a green one, but, yeah, it's just, like, a mesh top. I thought it would be cute with the, like, Primark bralette, if I can find it.
And then I've got these jeans. These were a little bit pricey as well, but I love this colour. Like, I love the really, really light blue. I think it's so pretty.
I also like the fit of these. They're quite, like, baggy, but, like, in a good way. Like, I feel like, I don't know. I feel like it looks really good.
Also, it's quite a similar colour to these, again, the mesh, so I could wear this with these.
I don't know if any of the others would go, but, yeah, I think it's a really cute fit.
The jeans, they feel really nice. They've got quite a bit of rips in them, I would say, but I don't wear jeans that much anymore, so I thought I'd get, like, light ones, because I know I'll definitely wear them then.
They're not, I mean, I think they're high-waisted, I would say. Got no rips on the back, I don't think.
But, yeah, I just love this shade of blue jeans. I think it's so pretty. Top, love, just wish I had, like, the white bralette, because it would look so much better.
I think this just looks a bit silly, but, yeah, just imagine, white bralette. Really, really cute.
Okay, so this is the last bit, so this is obviously, yeah, this is obviously, like, holiday wear, so it's a bikini.
But I thought the gold was so cute, like, I think the sparkle's really nice. So I've seen the bikini first, so this is the bikini, if you just, like, imagine without this cover-up.
So it's just a normal gold bikini, and I feel like the top's quite cool, like, I don't have anything like this, because I've got more, like, string ones.
And then, so I've seen the bikini, no, I've seen the skirt first, and then I've seen the bikini and matched it, so I thought I'd get it.
Oh, what's going on? Oh, it's all twisted, hold on.
I don't know what I've done with, it's, like, twisted at the back, so I'm not turning around.
But this one looks like, looks a bit, a little bit long now, because it's, went really weird.
But, yeah, I thought it'd be really cute on holiday, and I want to buy them wedges that, like, have gold going up the, like, gold straps going up.
If anyone finds them, let me know where it's from, because I can't find them anywhere.
I've been trying to look, I can't find them, so, yeah.
But, yes, this is the last outfit, so it's more holiday, man.
I love it, I think it's really nice. It is a little bit scratchy, but only this bit.
I think the cover-up, the actual bikini isn't scratchy.
Okay, so that is the end of this YouTube video. Hope you guys enjoyed.
Let us know what your favourite part was. What was my favourite part? I don't know.
I kind of like all of them, but I hope you guys enjoyed, and I will see you guys in my next YouTube video. Bye.

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