Bodysuits Dresses

Oh Polly

Oh polly try on haul

Model: LibbyWard

Try on haul video description:

Hey Guys I'm back with another video I hope you enjoy this oh polly try on haul. Thanks so much for watching🫶 SOCIALS: YouTube handle @LibbyWard IG - Libbyyward TikTok - Libbyyward MUSIC🎵 Music by Mr. Jello - Summer Sunday - Music by Mr. Jello - Sunrays -

Try on haul video transcript:

Hi everyone welcome back to my YouTube channel this is my first haul in my new
Manchester apartment I can't believe it's taking me this long to do a
clothing haul I've literally like done so many big orders of clothes as well
and I just need to like kind of like just sit down and film them all I've done
like a big massive sheen one which I think I'm going to do as well but I
thought I would start off with an O'Polly haul for the first one because I've been
loving the stuff on O'Polly recently like literally I've not ordered on O'Polly for
ages like I feel like in lockdown every time I did those like 20 pound dress
sales through 45 pounds I used to just always like order everything from O'Polly
and I've not done an order like so long I made the mistake of going to another
website the other day and I have now got this gigantic bag full of clothes but
without further ado I'm gonna go straight into the video I've got like a
mixture of like going out clothes going out dresses I've got some jumpsuits yeah
let's open the package this dress when I saw on the website I absolutely love
because it's like a wine bread and I feel like it's just proper like going
out evening vibes however I'm not really too sure if it's giving so I went for a
size 8 because I always feel like O'Polly clothes are tiny like I always
size like up and sometimes up twice because they're just so small but I got
this in in an 8 and it's a bit saggy I don't know I feel like I probably could
have done with the 6 feel like maybe I could have gone for a smaller size so I
don't know whether to send this back like and it's just like not really giving on the
boobs I'm probably gonna rate this one maybe like a 4 out of 10 is that really
bad to be honest I think it would look nice if it fit me I think it's just a
little big I'm like it's a bit kind of like awkward to like it's just a bit
saggy and like doesn't really fit properly I do love the color though and
the style of how it's got like this long sleeve and like one here but think I
will be sending this one back so this really isn't a good start for the first
one but let's move on to the next one and hopefully that one will be nice this
next one that I got I was a bit unsure about because they only had it in a size
6 and obviously I'm a size 8 and I always get size 8 in O'Polly so I was a bit
unsure that it wasn't going to fit but it does and I feel like I'm kind of glad
that I got the smaller size because it's kind of like very like sucky inny it is
this grey jumpsuit which I just think how nice is this and then it's got like a cut out back
I just think this is so nice I mean this probably isn't really like going out out vibes but I
could wear this for like chill like just chilling lounging about vibes but yeah
definitely glad that I got the size 6 because it's very like figure hugging it's proper like
sucking me in oh I didn't actually know that O'Polly did stuff like this this is
like full-length shot I feel like O'Polly is known for just like its dresses but when I saw this I
feel like that's a bit me so yeah really pleased with that one definitely going to keep it kind of
glad because obviously that one before was awful so yeah I'm probably gonna rate this 9 out of 10
moving on what else did I get oh I feel like I got something else quite similar to this I might
try that one next basically I've really been loving like my jumpsuits and play suits at the
moment so I saw this which is quite similar to what I've got on now but it's like a cropped one
so this is it obviously I'll try on but like it's like shorts and cropped but I did get this in a
size 8 because they had my size but now I'm thinking maybe I probably might need the 6 if
this one fits me but we're gonna try it on and we shall see right guys so this is the next one
I feel like I don't love it as much as the one before but I do still really like it it's also
got this like open back cut thing I think maybe if I'd have got this in the smaller size it might
have been a bit more like I don't know actually it does fit quite well I do like the colour of it
I feel like it's a bit different I'll probably give this maybe like a 7 out of 10 it's like skin
thin um yeah yeah 7 out of 10 right so the next thing that I got was this dress now I have actually
had this dress before but I think I did sell it on bint in a while ago because I had it in the
size 6 and it was just so tight that I couldn't get it on so I've reordered it in the size 8
so I'm hoping that it fits because it actually was like one of my favourite dresses
so this is the I think it's called the oyster dress or something so it's like this ruched
long sleeve white dress it's got like a square cut out quite similar to this actually
right yeah guys this is unreal I absolutely love this dress I'm so glad that I've got it now and
it actually fits me because that size 6 one was just like oh literally like couldn't breathe
wearing it but this is the 8 and it fits me like perfectly um this is what it looks like from the
back the annoying thing is I would say is these shoulders like do kind of kind of like sag a bit
but no I absolutely love this I feel like this is like proper like classy vibes
which is like always the look I like to go for I don't even know what shoes I'd wear with it maybe
like I'm such like a trainer person like it's actually so bad like literally any night out that
like me and my flatmate and my friends have been on like everyone gets proper dressed up like
dresses heels a full shabam and I'm always like to need kind of wear trainers and she's like no
you're wearing a dress you can't wear trainers but I'm just like I don't hate wearing heels I
actually am that person that just hates wearing heels like I would happily wear a dress and
trainers every single day um so yeah I probably would have to wear heels with this maybe some like
white ones I don't know though because this is kind of like a creamy white so I feel like maybe
white ones wouldn't go but even like black heels that you could wear like maybe some like lace-up
ones so I'm keeping this give it a nine out of ten right so moving on um I feel like I did get
more dresses I don't know what that one is oh now I bought this dress purely because of the colour
so I have like a bikini in this colour which is so nice and I feel like it really goes with like
my skin tone and my hair so I'm hoping this dress is similar I feel like this is quite like a holiday
dress like I wish I'd ordered this before I went on holiday so it's this like rusted ruched dress
and then it's got like one of those really nice like tie around the necks so I'm going to quickly
try this on and see if this is like I got this in a size eight oh my god guys I absolutely love
this dress how nice is this I feel like it's proper like holiday vibes
I kind of wish that like I've had this for my holidays I feel like this is proper like
goes really nice with a tan it's just nice and like ruched sleek like the bit of the cut out
that they've got here yeah I actually really like this to be fair is that going to be like that I
don't know whether my boobs are like yeah I think that's actually going to be like below my boobs
like that maybe I think it's going to be like that I feel like we can make it work I think I'd probably
give this oh I'd say like an 8.5 quite high do you really like this I feel like I get like
quite a lot of wear out this on holiday I always accumulate quite a few holiday dresses that I
always take every year and I feel like this is just going to be like one of my go-to dresses
so yes absolutely love this one right so moving on um
next thing I bought I think this is another dress I feel like the majority of stuff you
get from a poly is always dresses oh I don't actually remember ordering this is that really
bad beige it's like a beige one of those like keyhole things um I've got this in a size eight
so yeah so this is the next dress I don't actually know if I'm wearing it right
um I don't actually know if I'm wearing it right because like it's got these weird like
cut out bits here but then I feel like my poor boobies just
is my boobs showing probably and I feel like my whole boobies just showing so
I don't actually know how I feel about this one I like it I like the colour
and I like the I don't know if I like the style I just think maybe I could get away with it if
I just kept that like that and then like it's actually not that bad but it's just like I don't
get what this gap is let me look at the photo and see maybe I'm just wearing it wrong I'm probably
am knowing me right so there's meant to be a gap
right guys so it's meant to look like this like with these gaps here but I don't know whether
that like makes my boobs look really weird and like just squished um
I feel like they just it's like proper like you know what I mean
don't know probably give this like a six out of ten just because it's a bit of like a weird
design it's quite tight actually as well for an eight like I feel like the sizing has been a bit
off yeah I'm going to go into the next thing I think I've only got like three more things
left so the next thing that I've got I actually did get in two different colours
just because I really liked it and it's like a proper like basic thing to have any wardrobe
this isn't like very dressy going outy it's more like just like a loungey chill basic vibe it's
this like zipped top so I got it in the black and then I also saw it in beigey stone colour
um I just feel like it's something that I could just wear with like leggings or like joggers just
to kind of like chill in oh I actually think I prefer the beigey one you know yeah that's in
beige right so I'm going to try these on I'm going to probably put a pair of leggings on so I'm not
naked because that's probably not going to be ideal for YouTube right I absolutely love this
I feel like it's proper like one of those and there's like lulu lulu leather lulu more I don't
actually know what the brand is called but there's like really nice zipped fitted like gym tops
I feel like it's really giving off that um obviously like with leggings it'd be like that but
low high up to the top like that
give this a
probably like a nine out of ten you know I really like this I probably wouldn't wear these black
leggings because I feel like they're different kinds of black um but yeah I'm just going to try
on the beige one and see what that's like he's looking at me from the window
I was like kicked her onto the balcony am I? I need to film a YouTube video so I can just sit
on the balcony for a bit but film this video for like an hour um but yeah so I'm just going to
quickly try this one on and then I've got one more dress to show you and then that is pretty much the
end of the haul right so this is the this is the beige one um I think I actually prefer this one
you know I just feel like this one's really like I don't know I just I feel like I suit the colour
beige um I do really like this very nice I think this has maybe has to be like a ten out of ten
you know it's quite up there I'm really liking it it's just very fitting slimming and then you
can also just wear it like I feel like it complements my tan a bit because it's like
a light beige and I've just come back on holiday off holiday so it's like
really giving the tan look I'm just going to move on to the last thing which I'm kind of glad that
I ordered two wine red dresses because obviously the first one I didn't like at all um but this
is the same colour but it's like a different style so I'm hoping that this like fits and oh
this is so nice um so this is it it's like one of those really nice like cut out dresses this is
actually looking quite big so I hope it's not psyche like the last one I love it really like
this one um this is it I feel like this is kind of the one that I wanted at the store um it's just
like a better like design this is it from the back I feel like it's just proper like dressy
going out for a meal going out for like cocktails I like how it's got this like cut out bra bit
and then there's like a little bit here and I just love the colour I'm so glad that I like this one
because I'm definitely going to be sending this one back I really wanted a dress in this colour
because I just feel like this colour is so nice yes I think I'd give this eight or nine out of ten
maybe like an eight point five yeah really like it love it so that is the end of the haul I am
actually really impressed with that order like I think there's probably like seven out of nine
things that I've got that I absolutely love and I definitely will be keeping there's probably like
two things that I'm going to send back which is actually really impressive for me because normally
like when I do a big order like that there's like quite a few things that like I don't really like
and I have to send back thumbs up from me so I'm going to just end the video there I just want to
say a massive thank you to everybody who's watched please don't forget to like and subscribe down
below if you haven't already and I shall see you all in the next video

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