

Micas try on haul

Model: leighmag

Try on haul video description:

HEYYYY MY MAGGIE !!! Welcome to yet another try on haul video with me, today’s video is sponsored by Micas BIG SHOUT OUT TO THEM FOR THESE GOOD QUALITY ITEMS ( I’m highkey obsessed) * THEY DELIVER WORLD WIDE * The links to the items are as follows: Don’t forget to use my 12% OFF discount code when you make a purchase :) Code: LeighMag12 Also visit and follow them on their social platforms to earn some points Website : IG : TT : Their delivery takes up to 10-15 convenient business days. If you feel have questions whatsoever do not hesitate to comment down below. #micasgal #shopmicas #tryonhaul #southafricanyoutuber

Try on haul video transcript:

It's holding the baby nice. It's holding the baby nice zamba
We are ready we are ready we are ready what are we ready for anything that comes our way
What's up, every good girl needs a little
Hey guys, oh my god, I'm so excited. Hey guys, welcome or welcome back to my channel
My name is Lee Meg if you are new here, but if you are turning subscriber, welcome back to their channel
Maggie oh my god, like whenever I think about the name it's kind of like what 200 noodles for real
Welcome back doll today as you can see by the title
We are doing a try and a whole wait what?
Because I'm easily distracted like what?
Okay, it's it's cute to be taken off it's time anyway, don't mind that
Yeah, as you can see by the title today, we are doing a try and a whole sponsored drum roll, please
My god with those locals
I'm super excited to be trying on their clothes like very very very excited
Um, I know this is a very small package, but guess what they say about small packages
Small packages come with small diamonds big diamonds. No diamonds come in small packages
What am I saying? Wait guys, wait, I can explain
Dynamites come in small packages. I said what I said. I said what I said
Say what I said. I'm super excited to be trying the clothes out like they have the latest clothes online
Like I don't care what anyone says like shut shut it, please
Before we even get into it. I just want to say
If you want to order yourself clothes on the um
Website it will be linked on the description box
I will also give you guys a discount code which will be on the screen
Perfect thing is if you really want to get discounts and stuff like that
Download their app because they also have an app making it convenient for you to shop
Period like I don't know anyone who does it like they do
I don't know anyone who does it like they do
I just don't know but anyway, let's get into it if we get into it like we even get into it
Can we just talk about their packaging like it looks like I just got back from shopping like this is me
Coming back from their store, you know, and i'm like
It's giving and it's so cute
But let's get into it. I'm excited. Um for these items. I just hope you guys are as excited as I am
because the summer
Whenever I open a package my heart just goes
I'm really excited. I am
Honestly, i'm truly excited. Okay one i'm gonna put it aside so that oh so that when I try them on
I don't you know
I'm so excited
Is four so rude
That's so rude
Okay, i'm gonna make that one my first try on. Um
Yeah, let's get into it guys. I'm super excited. Honestly
Oh my god
This body
This body
Is going to try on some micah's clothing very excited. I'm very happy
Delighted on it, whatever word whatever word come up with it
Anyway, let me put that on and then i'll see you guys in a sec
Can we talk about the detailing of this jeep? Like let me just put it on and then show you guys like I am so in love
now like
Let's talk about it. Look. Look. Look. Oh my god, and then it goes
I am so excited. I'm gonna put the sizing and everything on the screen for you guys to see
Like yeah, i'm gonna put the sizing the pricing and everything and the links to the items
on the description and on
The screen oh my god, okay, relax you here relax
Take it easy, baby. They are yours. Okay. This is a size small
I'm so glad I didn't order an extra small because I don't know how that would have been
Okay, obviously, I always have a problem with this part of my jeans or whatever, but um, let me
See you guys probably so you can see the entire thing
Yeah, this is the jeans
I am loving it and the quality is so good
I'm obsessed at this point
What I can imagine what i'm gonna pair this with oh my god
I can't wait for you guys to see what i'm gonna pair this with but it's so cute
This here is my problem. This is my biggest problem. This is the biggest problem I have but this is a size small
I'm glad I didn't go smaller. I'm super glad I did not but anyway
On to the next firstly, i'm super obsessed with these jeans. I'm contemplating taking them off like do I have to
It's giving anyway to the next item, um, this is a cargo spirit
Super excited
I think I ordered an extra small
Did I yes, I think this is an extra small
Okay, we'll show you but this is an extra small i'm gonna link everything guys. I'm gonna link everything. I love love love love this
This is oh, it's a small. It's not an extra small
Um, yeah, i'm gonna try this on and i'm gonna show you guys how it looks on my body
Listen, I think I am one person who will understand if your husband wants to come for me
Like if he wants to get married to me and you at the same time, i'll definitely understand because don't play with these cargo
It's my first time owning a cargo skirt and I think it ate am I reading it right though? Yes, I think I have
Me this with if it was once and like a cute white top
Scrum scrum scrum scrum scrum dilly yum yum
Period this you see my body on this
This is a size small. It's so perfect
This is cute
Also, um, don't forget
You have 12% off discount code which you can use
to get yourself in this like
Don't you dare don't you play with it?
That's my waist. Where did it go? I'm trying to locate it at this point
This is too good. This is so good
this is
Guys this is how it sits. That's it. That's it. That's what i'm talking about, baby
I'm super excited
Like i'm happy I can imagine this with a white top even this like type of color
Is blending like it goes well
The nude neutral color it goes really well
With white air force kicks though like in my head i'm giving white air force kicks
Not a boot because a boot wouldn't come in nicely but kicks
I want us to talk about it because I know you see what I I know you know that I know that you know that
You know
What am I saying? But I know you know, babe
Don't blame me. I like this
It has like a um wire type of thing going on just to hold
These girlies up
And it's looking cute and thank god I ordered an extra small on this one
Because what's that? Okay, it's my tag because had I ordered like a
Small it was going to be really big and I was not going to like it, but this is giving
This is giving I don't know what nobody says at this point baby
You what you say is invalid it don't matter it do not matter
And the fly is out and you already know my body be eating that herb like i'll be
scrum dealing yum dealing yum yum yum scrum dealing and the funny part is that um
We're going to spring just like in a month and i'm going to be looking like a springer
I'm going to be looking scrumdy and I like that
It's giving corset type of vibe and then it's giving skirt type of vibe
But it's a dress like I don't you I don't I don't know if you guys see what I see
But this is a skirt
Down here and this is like a corset top type of thing going on at the top and it's giving scrum
But it's an entire dress at the same time. It's so cute like shout out to the creator
Shout out to my cast shout out shout out shout out
Oh my god, I cannot wait to rock this dress. Like you guys have no idea
This is me. This is me with my slides because I want to I want to be in slides
I want to be in slides
With my low q bag with my low q bag like
Like I just arrived I just arrived
Anybody taking me to jamaica let's go to jamaica. Let's go to jamaica because this is giving jamaica. This is giving jamaica
It's a it's a it's a hey
Nobody's ready for it. Nobody is ready for it. I know that for a fact shout out to my cast for being a hot girl
Giving me a hot girl summer
I got and I like the fact that you can just drag this down
And it can come down and you can drag it up and you can come up and you guys getting and it's like
No, it's getting I just want to
Show you how much I appreciate you want to show you how much i'm dedicated to you
Damn, this is giving this my favorite 10 out of 10. No holding. I'm sorry
any other dress
You just gotta dance
I feel like for this coming outfit. Yeah
Listen to my say. Yeah, I feel like for this outfit that's coming right now
Like let's give him buddy like I want no one telling me not because like
Bro, I really legit feel like this is giving me badgy like i'm super excited for it
Girl, you better eat up because I trust you like i'm putting an investment on my car on you like
You are
Oh shit, it looks big
Oh went for an extra small
Guys I think we're gonna have a problem
You really thought I was feeling you that's what this this outfit said
It said you really thought I was feeling you then you go much you get a beautiful lunch, which i'm a very again
I was like you thought I was
Ha ha ha
Okay, I thought it was gonna be big don't stress it. I'll be good
And um, I don't know how to feel about this skirt. I feel like it's kind of big. Um
If it was like, you know
Guys so it turns out that I was wearing this skirt still wrong
I was actually wearing the back on the front and the front and the back is very absurd
But um, the skirt is perfectly fine. It's not
Long or anything. It's literally fine. I'm just crazy
Thank you
You guys know how I feel about
Skirts that are not you know
But this is giving as well. This is cute. I can do with this. It's not that you know
This is i'm very dramatic. I'm a dramatic being and yeah
But the corset is giving 10 out of 10. It's holding the baby
It's holding the baby nice zamba
We are ready we are ready we are ready
What are we ready for anything that comes our way period don't play with us
Oh my god, I cannot wait to eat this outfit up like
What shoe am I gonna pay with this with like i'm already stressing about the shoe like
You guys have no idea
I feel like we are in luck because it's supposed to be here
Or was it right that we are?
Like this
I don't know. I know we're gonna figure it out. That's what i'm doing. Okay side to side
side to side
Very very smart. Whoever designed this
You're smart. You're a smart person
This is giving i'm not gonna lie. This is very cute. I actually like it from the back
If you can see it from the front, that's who you see from the back back back back
This is really cute like I don't know what to do about it. It's getting 15 out of 10. I know I said the dress
I don't know why my dogs would go like they ate
Anyway, I was saying that the dress
I was saying that the dress kind of ate. Yay
At all
I was saying that the dress kind of ate like it was giving 10 out of 10 don't play with it
But this is giving 15 out of 10 if I had boots like those white boots, you know how those girlies be matching
This type of outfit it was gonna give but guess what i'm gonna figure it out because i'm not being
I am my girl like I am her I am she I am her she is me
She is me her is me
Don't play with her. This is also giving 10 out of 10. I'm not gonna lie. I am not gonna hold you before you even
Shut it shut it, please
Let me tell you all something
Shout out to micas for sponsoring today's video
And don't forget that you also have a 12 percent discount code
You can also download their app for your convenience shopping. Everything is scrumdilly-umdilly this side, baby
Okay, don't play with them. This is very cute and the and the links to the outfits will be on the description box
so don't play with us don't hold us go run to micas before they run out because
Oh my god, i'm so obsessed you guys but
Stop comment down below if you guys want to see more on my try and hold videos
I'm gonna give it to you. I'm gonna give it to you. I'll give it to you and go shop. Okay, go shop
Go shop. We need to look like a betty. We need to be hot. We need to be scrumdilly-umdilly people need to look at us
And be like who's she and you're like i'm her don't play with me because you are her
Okay, um, hope you guys enjoyed this try and hold video and thank you so so much for watching today's video
And i'll see you guys on my next one
Shout out to my cause shout out to them. I feel like a buddy. Oh, yeah

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