Dresses Shorts


It’s hard to do a haul when it’s SO HOT *extreme*

Model: Jennypopach

Try on haul video description:

Hot try on haul.

Try on haul video transcript:

Hello my loves, welcome back to another YouTube video!
So it is literally like 96 degrees outside and it's like 86 degrees in my house and my
mom and my dad are fighting about whether the air conditioning is actually broken or
not and I don't know, I was siding with my mom at first because it is like extremely
hot in here and it's like, I don't know, like the air should have been working by the nighttime
but it wasn't you know because it cools down at night so the air would start actually pumping
and at least get down to 74, no it stayed at 10 degrees above that, 84 so it's really
hot in here and that's why I will be using this fan throughout the duration of this YouTube
video so let's just get straight to the point, enough about how hot Florida is right now,
it's the summer, I am actually wearing a dress from Outkast right now but I just got
a package in from Blanco by Nature so I'm not sure if a lot of people know about this
brand, I surely did not until I arrived at my doorstep because my mom likes to do surprise
packages for me so let's just start off by saying that they gave me a beach bag which
this is so adorable where my mom bought me the beach bag but it's so cute you guys, I
actually really love this and I'm going to add it into my collection of my three beach
bags because I was going to say beach bags but I don't even have that many beach bags,
I have like two beach bags so and the other one is like a hot pink color and I have the
order here so we got a couple things here you guys, we got a couple things and this
is actually Hollendale so this is a Florida brand or at least it was shipped from Florida
so let's just get right into it, oh look it's my mom, that bought me all the clothes
coming in, maybe she should rate them, you want to rate my fits, yeah sure, why do you
have a beer in your hand, I feel like it's so hot in this house right, it's like so hot
okay so let's get right into the video, so I just want to show you guys a little glimpse
of the dress that I'm wearing from Outkast, I will do a separate haul, I will be doing
a separate haul about Kast once the rest of the clothes arrive, I had to ship some
back because they didn't fit so stay tuned for that and stay tuned for Forever 21 as
well and I think I got some clothes from somewhere else, oh Dolls Kill, okay guys so I had to
switch phones because again like I told you there's a lot of problems with the air conditioning
right now so that's what's happening and my mom has to call but here is the first top,
these shorts are not from the company, obviously these are the best shorts ever, you can find
them nowhere because I got them at the Goodwill, no I'm just kidding, but this is the top,
it's 100% cotton, it's this baby yellow, it has like these cute little puff sleeves and
then this cross design on the front and then there's actually a tie in the back so I actually
love this a lot and I think that the shorts go really well with it which now I have the
outfit done up here, I think this is such a no wanna be summer outfit, that is so cute,
hey hello, look the one time my baby brother doesn't want to come in my room is when I'm
filming, it's like he knows, he knows that he's being recorded, if you don't want to
be recorded you're not made for this family, no I'm just kidding, okay so I'm pretty sure
that my mom picked out these sets that go together so I'll just separate them really
quick so I know which ones go together and let's get on to the next outfit, okay guys
so obviously there's always got to be a hit or a miss and this one definitely is missing,
yeah it's just not, my mom always does this, she'll get a fucking top that is too big for
my boobs, I have no boobs so anything that requires having a big set of jug dealers is
not gonna look good on me and this is one of those things, you need like humongous gigantic
things so that the back will be tight, if not it's baggy in the back and it looks oversized
here and the skirt is okay, I think it's a little bit too ruffle for me, I don't really like it that much
what? I don't like this, that's gorgeous, what do you mean? I don't like this very much you guys, I rated it like a 5 out of 10 maybe
when are they gonna be here? I don't know, I don't remember the last guy that was here, I'd have to call him
so now you're gonna waste $85 for nothing
you guys, you guys, you guys, look at these pants, oh my god they're so cute
I like them, I like them a lot, they make my waist, they really accentuate my waist but at the same time
they kind of look like painter's pants, I don't know why lately I've been feeling like everything is super artsy
like my mom got me this yellow romper from, and look at the pose I'm doing too
my mom got me this yellow romper from Zara, which, weirdest clothing company ever
but it looked exactly like what an art teacher would wear, like with the pockets where they could put their paintbrush
the cotton material where they just brush their, like clean off their brushes
it's just like the vibe, that's the vibe I'm getting from these pants
and I actually like it a lot, I like the pants a lot
I do love the pants, I feel like they're good to round around it
they are so chill those pants, they are chill
and if you could exchange their skirt for different colors I guess, I don't know
and I guess this top could go with the pants, I mean, I love it, they take away
this is one that I'm excited for
I hope that the bottom is not a skirt
it's a skirt
it's a skirt, it's a skirt you guys
guys, I just think you could wear it low rise as well
which everyone knows that I just love low rise better than anything else
it looks the best
it's so like, belly dancer, I'm a little belly dancer
okay, okay
no, but I just feel like it looks better
and I was going to say that if you didn't see my Zara Haul
it's because it's on Brand Army
so if you guys want to go see that, just go to my Brand Army
it's literally called Jenny Papach
alright you guys, so here is the pink
see what I'm saying about the skirt you guys
it just makes it look so un-proportioned
and I'm so small that it's just like
on my body it looks like stupid
because it's like, oh my gosh, she's so small
like why is she wearing such a large skirt on her body
I'm going to try and make it low rise
see what that does
like maybe that would be cute
no, it's not cute
I mean it's cuter
but it's still not cute
but that would look cute actually
I don't know you guys, I don't really like the skirt
I like the top a lot
the top fits me well, it's tight
it doesn't make me
I mean I'm going to look fly either way
because I have no boobs
so there's no way you can make me look like I have boobs
unless I wear a bigger bra or a push-up bra
but it doesn't, it doesn't like emphasize on the fact
that I don't have any boobs
so that's good
and I'm going to pair it with some shorts right now
just so you can see that
you know, even without the skirt
at least the top can look good with other bottoms
so let's do it
okay, see
so these are
this is the top with the jean shorts
and I think that looks very pretty
I think it looks so like a beach babe
I just like it a lot
even though these shorts
they're kind of big on my butt
like they leave a space there
I didn't even notice that
well that's maybe because I have them
up too high
but see, it goes with
it goes with any other bottom
which makes me want to keep the top
so yeah, on to the next outfit
so real quick
unfortunately in the package
they said that they refunded us
for the top that was this color
that was the style of the yellow top
and so now I'm just pairing it with this pink top
just because I still have it on
and I thought like why not
why would I go get another top
that has nothing to do with this brand
and then try to pair it up
why not use this and this
so I think the colors look good together
like it's pink and blue
cotton candy
can't just say this is smocked
and I love the smocked look
yeah, this is smocked
and I love the smocked look
and I just feel like
the skirts just don't fit me well
like I just don't like the skirts you guys
I just don't
I mean I do feel like a cupcake
cupcake in this
like I feel like
I should get like a little cupcake
headband right now
or some shit
your Barbie is Barbie
this is Barbie
and this is Ken
and I'm Raquel
so there you go
Raquel and Barbie
all put together
the statue of liberty
I'm the statue of liberty
I really like that
okay, on to the next outfit
I like that outfit, right?
okay guys
so here is the orange outfit
I just paired it with a black choker
because you know
it's giving me very much Halloween vibes
with the choker
it gives Halloween vibes
because it's black
and it's choker
and black and orange
are Halloween colors
and yeah
and just say yeah and boo
and boo
okay, my mom's humor
is so fucking cringe
so I apologize
I'm going to take the choker off
just so you can get
the natural vibe
of what this is
and I actually like it a lot
it's very islander
and I think that the color is pretty
and I actually like this one a lot
I was very
you like the top?
I do, I like it a lot
it's a little bit baggy
like I said, like no boobs
but I was very weary
of all these clothes
when my mom told me
that they were coming
just because I hadn't seen them yet
and she told me
she told me that they were
much like these other clothes
that I don't like
but this skirt is the same
but I actually like
a lot of these
the skirt is the same thing
why don't you like it?
no, I don't like it
why is it the same thing?
it's rainbow, it's ugly
but I'm going to put my bra on
so we can see
if that will change anything
the way the top looks
so guys
this is what it looks like
with my bra
as you can see
it definitely fills in
whatever is missing
my mom said that
the straps are actually
supposed to hang off
I don't believe that's true
to a certain extent
maybe they're supposed to still
wrap around or
tightly secure
over the shoulder
just a little bit more outward
but I think it could be worn anyway
guys, it's very hot right now
but anyways
here guys
I really like this outfit
and there's one more
so let's see
one more?
yeah, one more
so let's see
if I saved
the best for last
I don't know
if anything is going to top
guys, I don't even remember
the first outfit I wore
oh yeah, that outfit
was very pretty
but I don't know
if anything is going to top
those pants
we'll see
on to the next outfit
okay guys
so I'm going to put this clip
in after
I've showed the full outfit
but I wanted to show you guys
that I look like Dora
like this is Dora's color code
I think
I think she wears a pink shirt
with orange shorts
or something like that
but I think this also looks
so cute
and I love this little
bottom here
because it makes me
look so tiny
like a lot of my shorts
okay, they show that
I'm tiny
but like they also make
my stomach look big
because I'm showing low rise
this makes me look tiny
like this makes me look tiny
and I like that
all of these skirts
and shorts have
shorts under them
built in
I feel like that's a very
it's good for the money
good quality
read it out loud
because AC's
are actually not
engineered to handle
95 degrees or 100
right they are designed
for less extreme temperatures
and are intended to
do temperatures
by up to 20 degrees
so you see there's
nothing wrong with the system
don't you get it
put your fucking hands
a hundred degrees outside
oh my god bro
now look
here's another
so you guys
I don't know if I
predicted that I was
gonna save it
best for last
but I don't think
it was the best for last
it is very pretty
I think this is the
best one
like the best skirt
out of the other
two I think
or three
I would
be willing
to keep this skirt
because I feel like
it goes with the top
so while it almost
it almost connects
like a dress
so that makes sense
but other than that
I didn't like these skirts
and I still don't think
this is the best outfit
it is very pretty
and it's worthy
of being kept
yeah you guys
now it's the end of the haul
let me see
what do you think mom?
I think if your mom
has to ask you
that if it's on correctly
it doesn't look good
because it was on correct
and she was like
is that on correctly
which means she
did not think
that looked good
alright you guys
so it's very hot
and I'm going to
film some videos
in one of the outfits
and yeah
alright you guys
so you guys
can let me know
which ones
I should keep
I already kind of
have an idea
in my mind
of which ones
I'm going to keep
just take a look
at my beautiful dog
she is just like
so she's
God's gift
to this world
like she is just amazing
nobody tops my dog
I top her
yeah that is the end
of the YouTube video
if you guys enjoyed
this video
make sure you give it
a huge thumbs up
also do not forget
I love you guys
so much
Jesus loves you
God loves you
the Holy Spirit loves you
go get in contact
with Jesus
it will be the best decision
you ever make
for your life
and yeah
thank you so much
for watching
I'll see you guys
in the next one

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