Lingerie Pants Shorts Sports Bras

Unbelievable PJ Try On Haul Reveal

Try on haul video description:

Unbelievable PJ Try On Haul Reveal 💗 Get the REAL GOODIES on my website: 💗 Send a Token of Appreciation: How do you like my pajamas try on haul? This is my unbelievable PJ Try on Haul Reveal. 💗 Support me however you like on my website: Patreon: Follow me: Instagram: TikTok: Twitter:

Try on haul video transcript:

It's definitely not for like wetness.
So I guess maybe I shouldn't wear it to bed.
Welcome to Aurora's Borealis Try On Home.
And today is a slumber party.
This is what I would wear to a slumber party.
A slumber party, maybe at your house.
Let's make this a little bit more personal.
So you pick the best pair of pajamas.
That being noted, I don't normally sleep in pajamas.
So yeah, you're definitely gonna have to help me
because I don't know how these things are supposed to.
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I really do appreciate it.
It's very helpful.
Okay, so for the first, I feel like,
I wanna say this could be worn to the gym,
but it definitely can't.
It's definitely not for like wetness.
So I guess maybe I shouldn't wear it to bed.
This is a matching V-slit cut crop top.
Shorts, love the material.
It's like sweater material,
but it's still very comfortable and warm.
Very stretchy, as you can see.
Very stretchy.
I love this little cut.
It does give me some room.
This top probably wouldn't fit if it wasn't for this.
So thank you to whoever made this and designed this.
Okay, I love the fabric.
The seams are pretty nice.
It seems pretty durable.
It doesn't seem like it ripped or anything easily.
This is the back.
Then these pants, they do kind of fit, like, weird.
I guess it would feel different
if I was wearing something like this.
Cute little bottoms.
I wish they were a little bit more accentuating.
Yeah, you know where I'm going with.
Do love the drawstring.
I lied, I don't love the drawstring.
I like the fact that the band is like super stretchy
and it fits, but this drawstring has absolutely no purpose.
Like, it's absolutely nothing.
It doesn't tie, tighten, anything.
The length is pretty nice.
Again, I would just want it to be
a little bit more accentuating,
but for the most part, I think it's cute.
What do you think?
Do you like, do you like, do you like, do you like,
do you like, do you like?
Okay, let me try on the next pair of pants.
So this is my Kiss Me body bedtime suit.
I feel like it needs to be tighter.
Yeah, I feel like it definitely needs to be tighter.
Other than that, I like it.
I like the long sleeves.
I like the fact that it comes with a lot of buttons
so you can choose how much you really want to show.
I feel like I always have to leave one button down though
because I need the breathing space.
Shorts, whatever you want to call it, okay, shorts, shorts.
I love the kisses.
I feel like I'm supposed to be coming to bed at last.
I like these ones.
They're comfy.
I don't feel like they're sexy enough
to go to a summer party, maybe at your house,
but maybe with a girl.
On to the next pajamas.
I think this one's super fun.
I feel like there's a lot going on.
See, a lot going on.
I'll be honest, I feel like I was at the store
and I saw these really cute pajamas
and they were actually the kids' rack,
but I mean like it's fitting kind of.
I love the unicorn.
It says sparkle.
It says shine bright.
It has clouds and unicorns.
And who doesn't like unicorns and clouds and dreams
and rainbows?
I feel like a busy, innocent Barbie pajamas.
I like the top.
It's like the material's very like soft
and like, you know, you just want to pet it.
I feel like it's very stretchy.
It's very comfortable.
It'd be very nice to sleep in.
I like the little cut.
I did have to tie it a bit because the top was just like,
I felt like I was swimming in it.
The straps though, I will be honest,
it ripped while putting it on,
so I have to get adventurous,
or sorry, not adventurous, inventive to fix it on the fly.
I love these shorts though.
I love the little frilly kind of thing it has going on.
Again, with the purpose of string,
but hey, it's a very cute accent.
The band is very nice.
It's not too tight where it's cutting into your circulation.
And I think this is very accentuating and very just fun.
I was waving there for you if you caught that.
These shorts are super cute.
I think this top is super cute.
There are some flaws.
It's probably because it's probably made very cheaply,
but I mean, it still somewhat looks cute.
It still makes the cut.
How do you like it?
Would you invite me into your bed if I was wearing this?
Okay, so this one is my anime.
I'll be honest, it cut from the bottoms,
so I had to improvise.
We're gonna pretend like this came together.
The rare occasion, okay.
Rarity of this.
If you get the joke.
Ew, okay.
This is my anime top.
It's really cute.
I don't think I'm wearing it properly,
but it's staying on, so that's all that matters.
I don't know if you could see.
Can you see?
Can you see the characters on it?
Who can tell me what anime that is?
And you'll win bonus points with me.
But yes, I love it.
I love the way I can cross it like this.
You're probably supposed to boringly put it
or just around your neck like a halter.
I love the little, the way it's kind of frilly at the bottom
and it kind of rains down to the sides.
Ties in the middle.
The back.
Very freeing for the shoulders.
And then the bottoms are just your basic black bottoms
to go with the black up here.
It's very casual.
It's very stretchy.
It's very durable.
It's very nice.
I think I like this one the best because it's anime
and it accentuates what it needs to accentuate.
It's comfortable.
And I think, you know, it would look good
laying beside someone in bed.
I mean, you know when it's time for a fun pillow fight.
You know?
I'm prepared.
I'm ready.
I'm about anime powers.
If you like this anime and you want to see what else
happens in my anime clothes or any of my other pajamas
when I'm just about ready to wear
what I actually wear to bed,
you know where it was.
No, I didn't mean there.
I meant here.
Anyways, remember to like, subscribe
and I'll see you guys next time.

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