
a HUGE haul of my skirt collection

Model: demidoyle

Try on haul video description:

i love all my skirts!!! check out my latest video! Link: {socials} instagram - demixdoyleee snapchat - demidoyle888 tiktok - cyb3fa1ry (I DO NOT OWN ANY MUSIC USED) - Bread (Prod. by Lukrembo) Link: #Haul #Tryonhaul

Try on haul video transcript:

Hello. So we're going to ignore that mower out there. Like literally when I try to film,
it just has to happen. Like they just have to start mowing when I film. Anyway, so recently
I did a haul of all my dresses and everyone loved that. So in this video I'm going to
be doing a haul of all my skirts instead. I could even do pants next, like my jeans
and even counting my purple pants and even cool like tops. If you want me to do that,
then go comment down below. I recently got this top so I just want to show it. It's just
a cute little pink top and I just got it with my purple pants. I thought it just looked
cute together. So since everyone liked that video, I want to recreate it with skirts.
Before this video starts, please leave a like, subscribe. But anyway, let's get to the first
one. So I have this really pretty long pink skirt. I was going to take a go with this top
but I'm not too sure. It's like a silky feel. It's quite long. I really like this. It's
so comfortable to wear and it's like and it's so comfortable because it's not like tight
here at the stomach. There's like just so much room. I don't know. It's perfect. I love
it. So I'll try this on. I just want to mention the audio was not working for some clips so
I did a voiceover for those. So here's the first skirt. It's really pretty. I love how
it fits around the waist. Here's me deciding if the top and skirt matches. I think it does.
And here's another angle. I really love the length, which I do show. Okay, this is just
a little green checkered skirt, which is so cute. I love it and I'm so glad I found it
because I'm going to be wearing it a lot. Yeah, these are so cute and it's just such
a great length. I love the little lines that come down and it just like kind of flows well
when you're wearing it. I thought he stopped and I was going to say, wow, he stopped but
he's still going. I love the skirt. Let's try it on. So here's the green skirt. I really
like how it fits around the waist. I didn't when I got it, I didn't think it was going
to fit, but it did. The length is cute. I like the lines coming down. As you can see,
it does look a little out. It does look like it's coming out, but with an outfit, it looks
pretty. And yeah, I like it a lot. Next, we have something different. It's a white shortest
skirt. I'm not that short though. And it's got the nice silky feel. Wow. It's very shiny.
Anyway, and it's got a really nice pattern at the bottom, which just really looks really
cute when I have it on with outfits. Yes, he's done. Okay. Anyway, so yeah, I really
like this skirt. Yeah, let's put this one on. So this skirt is so cute. I love how shiny
it is. I think it does kind of go with this top a tiny bit. And again, the lace looks
so cute at the bottom as I'm showing. This is another thrifted one, which I have worn
a lot. It's just really nice, isn't it? I really like this skirt. I've worn this so
many times. Yeah, I love this. So this has to be one of my favorite skirts. I love this
one so much. The length is so cute. The color, it's just so easy to wear. It looks cute from
the back. It doesn't go with this top, but it's still cute. And I have worn it in different
outfits as well. So it's thrifted. I love denim skirts so much. Long denim skirt. It's
not actually that long, but it just looks so cute. I don't know. I really love it. And
it's like, it's not too tight at the top. It's like denim is always just so annoying
to wear, but it's not too tight. So I'll try this one on. Okay, this skirt is so cute.
It's long and it's just such a cute denim skirt. I don't know. I just love wearing it.
And it isn't the most comfortable out of all of them, but it's still comfortable. And of
course it has to be comfortable because I like wearing it. And yeah, just showing the
length. It's not too long. It's a cute size. Here's me improving it. This one is kind
of like the white one. It just sits brown. It's actually basically exactly like the white
one. It's just brown. So yeah, it's got the same lacy material at the bottom and it's
silky as well. If I had to pick, I think I'd pick this one. I think, I think the brown
just looks cooler and like the way it just shines like that, like the glossy look definitely
suits around better than the white in my opinion. I like these a lot. Okay. This has
to be one of my favorites, but I'm not going to lie. I was about to sell it. Um, but now
I think I'm going to keep it and just try and style it somehow. Um, but it's so pretty.
The lace is so pretty. The length. I don't know. I think I like this more than the white
version, but yeah, really, really love it. Um, now we're going to get into some longer
skirts. So this is, this is like the pink one. It's really cool. Again, it has like
white inside. Oh, and I forgot to show both of them do have this opening here on the side.
Um, this one I have worn a lot in the past. I haven't really worn it a lot recently, but
it's still one of my favorites. The back. It looks super cute. The front. It looks super
cute. Um, here's the length and the slit on the side. Here's me showing you not to
worry about the mess because this video is the cause of the mess. Uh, this I got online,
which I love, but the store now, like online shop, it's like saying, sorry, come back another
time. Lucky I got this skirt when I could. I love this skirt so much. I've worn it a
lot. I've worn it a lot. It's very pretty and soft, silky and yeah, still enough room
at the top. And this one, I've definitely made a cool outfit out of it. Um, it's just
such a pretty green. Love the length and the color. As I said, the green just goes so cute
with the white. Um, yeah. And yes, as you can see, those pattern, I got a black one
of the pink and brown ones just because they're just so easy to wear, like a long skirt put with
anything. I got them in different colors. Then again, opening, but this one actually is black
inside. So yeah, really like this one. So let's try this one on. Um, this skirt actually went to
work. So we're very often, um, it's a really nice, uh, black skirt, um, but they're pretty
cool. So just like the brown one and the pink one, they are actually all made the same.
These clips happen to have audio, so enjoy without a voiceover. This one is kind of boring,
but it's just one that I just wear sometimes like casually if I'm going over someone's house or like,
you know, it's just a simple little skirt. I pair it up sometimes with a black long sleeve
um, and some like stockings, but it just feels so easy to wear and it's like really loose, free.
Um, so as I was saying, yeah, it is a little basic, but it is cute. It feels nice to wear
and it's like nice and free. That's why I feel so comfortable. And lastly, another thrifted skirt,
denim. This one I've been wearing a lot recently.
I love it. It looks so freaking short on camera, but it's not.
It's really, really, really pretty. It looks really good. My stockings, my white ones that I
have, yeah, they look really cool on my boots, but I'll try them. Um,
this is the first skirt. Um, it, I, it does sit down lower, but I can just look it up for now.
See, it is cute. Like it's very cute. It feels very cute. Come on.
And it just fits so well with some stockings, which is how I like to wear it.
Um, this one, I, the way, the way I've worn it one time, I guess maybe it looked, maybe it
made me look like a grandma, but looking like a grandma is, I like it. So far you can comment
down below which skirt you like the most so far. Very, very, very pretty dress. It's like a purple
or blue flowers. I think it's purple, but I mean, yes, it looks very purple on the screen,
but in real life it kind of does look blue, but it's all right. Just a very long, uh, skirt.
And then it has like some lines that you can't really see that go like diagonally to make this
part a little frillier because it is kind of tight at the top, but it's really cute when I have it
on. I really like the skirt for some reason. I don't know why, but it just looks so cute to me.
I love long skirts like this. Um, and see, I'm showing the line where it goes really at the
bottom. It's a little tight at the top, but it just fits well. Here's another angle of it.
And yeah, I really like it. Um, thank you for watching. I really loved all my skirts. Like,
I love skirts. I never used to like them. And I guess I have an even amount like of
pants and skirts. Maybe I do have more pants actually. That's a lie.
Just because they're a bit more comfier, but the skirts are pretty. So if you enjoyed this video,
um, please like, subscribe if you want, and comment down below what other videos I should do.
Like if I should do a whole of my, all my cute tops, all my cute pants, because it's really fun.
And everyone say bye to the moa. Bye bye.

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