


Try on haul video description:

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Try on haul video transcript:

hello internet friends and welcome back to my channel I hope that you're having
a wonderful wonderful day so far I myself am having a wonderful day okay I said
many times I am having a fantastic day because I received a package this morning from the
clothing company Shirley which I will link down below and I love the pieces and I thought we
could have a little look at them together so let's get on with the haul but before I get
into the video I do just want to let you know I have an exclusive fan page where I post videos
and pictures every single day including lingerie try on hauls bikini pictures all that kind of
so if you want to see daily exclusive content from me check the link in my bio or in the pinned
comment anyway on with the video so I am already wearing outfit number one which is very normal
for me wow I look naked right now I am not I am wearing this beautiful dress let me move my hair
out of the way I am wearing this very beautiful strapless pink dress with like a little skirt
it's got good swish yes it has very good swish if I move a little closer you can see the pattern
so it has this like very beautiful light pink flower on on top of like I guess a very hot pink
dress I don't normally wear pink I don't think it really suits me but I actually I saw this dress
and I thought Amy you're trying something new today you're trying something new we're gonna be
brave and I did it I was brave I picked this and I actually do really like it I especially
like the fit at the bottom very cute and good for swishing very good for swishing also I'm sorry
I'm so sweaty right now it's really warm in the UK I think I said this in like all of my last few
videos but it is very very very warm here anyway next dress okay so now we have dress number two
this is also strapless but it is lace up at the front a corset style let me just pull that down
a little bit there so you can see so yeah as you can see it laces up the front I had to literally
lace this dress up myself which is good because it means that you can get it to the size you want
you could do a bow in the middle or you could do you know just like a hanging thing I have chosen
to do a bow let me show you the full effect so I actually love this dress I think it is so
cute let me move my hair out of the way I just love it I really really do just love this dress
I think it is very beautiful very very flattering obviously this is a little bit cheeky you know
there is a lot of cleavage not gonna deny that but I think it looks amazing like I really do
think this is such a beautiful dress perfect for a first date I think no not for a first date maybe
a little bit too much for a first date but perfect I think I think it's been great for a festival
like with some cowboy boots and just like the other one it has very cheeky cheeky I don't know
what you call that but this move this move I want to do when I wear something floaty on the bottom
but yeah I really like this dress I prefer it to the last one next up we have something a little
bit different but I think this might be my favorite so let's find out together oh my god
ignore the spot on my chin it's so bad so I'm back in the third set and this is my favorite set so
far so hopefully we can focus on that instead of the spot on the side of my mouth hopefully
this is an adequate distraction so this is let me move my hair out of the way again this is a
two-piece outfit with a little crop top and then a floor length beautiful beautiful skirt this
reminds me of the the female dancing emoji do you know what I mean female dancing emoji
no just me yeah I don't know I really love this set I think it's really beautiful the
fabric is amazing too it's so pretty I love it the little flowers I love the pink the blue and
the red I wouldn't normally combine those colors but oh my god I'm so shiny seriously please try
to ignore how shiny I am it's really really warm but yeah I actually love this set I think this
is beautiful I would just wear this to the park in the daytime and I would feel beautiful and
glamorous so yeah I am very very happy with this set next up we have a very skimpy dress
but I think we're gonna like it okay so I'm officially wearing the fourth outfit the color
is stunning the dress is stunning let me just show you the front first however there are two
problems it has a great fit very beautiful I love how it sticks out first problem I did not
iron this I should definitely have ironed this it has like a like a crinkle effect on the front
which is like very beautiful and satiny and I do really like how it sticks out the sides in fact
I honestly I love this dress I think it's really beautiful but yeah I didn't iron it so imagine it
would look a little sleeker than this and then the next thing the more important thing I am
home alone right now so my housemate can't zip up the back of my dress so this dress is unzipped at
the back it's zipped up nearly all the way but I just can't reach the last bit so imagine it
will be like this a little tighter a little bit tighter but it's nearly zipped up all the way to
the top and I do think it looks really good if you just ignore that part it's also definitely
doing good things for the booty so I am happy about that but yeah I feel like this dress isn't
getting the fair the fair go that the other dresses had simply just for the fact that I
have not ironed it and I cannot zip it up fully despite that I will actually say this is my
favorite thing I've tried on so far I feel like it's just really flattering and the color really
suits me so yeah I am actually genuinely very happy with this despite the two things so yeah
really nice color too mm-hmm so nice so nice I love it so we now have the final item this is
very different to everything that I have tried on so far but I really really like it and the
difference is quite nice so this is literally just a super floaty billowing white dress it has
these very cute sleeves you can just tie them to whatever like length you want and then the
back is the same just like kind of just kind of a baggy chilling dress it has both of these little
tie attachments on each side and then a button up front that you can button up or not this is very
very very casual but I think it's gonna be perfect for when I'm just gardening in the in my garden
I planted some kale and some spring onions and I like to be out there every day just making sure
they're watered and fresh and this is something really easy I can just throw on so go inside my
garden do my garden things it's comfortable it's lightweight it's breathable for the hot weather
did I mention the hot weather so yeah I actually think this is perfect and while obviously it's
very like relaxed compared to the other things I've tried it will be perfect for a little bit
of gardening so yeah I am very very very very very happy with this simple piece let me know
which your favorite item was with a comment down below if you want to get any of these items
yourself they are all linked in my bio as well as a link to the website and yeah very pretty very
cute please do like and subscribe for more videos please consider it please consider it please if
you do it we'll be internet friends if you do not do it we are not internet friends just the
answers so please subscribe to become my friend

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